Kids Suits
Truth be told, weddings are not easy to dress to. Many men still get confused on how to perfectly dress for weddings. While the groom goes through a ample amount of stress deciding dress for him the guests undergo no less. While attending a wedding you should be careful in your attire so that you dress appropriately and at the same time do not overpower the groom and steal their thunder. Added to that if you a have a child you will have to dress for the event it only adds to the stress. Now this may all create a certain level of panic but there is absolutely nothing to worry about. In this article we have covered all the basic and trick points that can help you dress appropriately and also your boy thus making the job easy for you. You will just have to consider the basic points and add some details that would make your personality shine and then you are good to go.
When it comes to weddings suits are your obvious choice. There are many options to choose from be it tuxedos, blazers or simply suits. The basic thing you will have to remember is the theme of the wedding. There are different types of weddings some being summer weddings, destination weddings, beach weddings, church weddings or intimate gatherings. This type is what decides the dress code for the weddings.
The first thing you will have to note is the weather. If it is a beach wedding or a summer wedding then you would not want to spend the whole day in a full woollen suit with matching shirt and tie. It would be more practical to go with lightweight fabrics like linen or cotton so that you get through the day without sweating out like a pig. And most importantly keep this mind while dressing your child, since they do not tolerate the heat for much time and would soon feel uncomfortable. When the boys are of very small age say three to five then it can turn into a disaster. For these types of weddings it is best to go with a dressed down look as much as you can. It is still better if the wedding that you attend has a dress code. It makes your choice easy thus making it easier to assemble your outfit. If anything in the dress code says optional it is better to go with it.
White tie weddings are the most formal and fanciest type of dress code. For these types of weddings it is better to go with a tuxedo with tails, a white waistcoat and black shoes. The bow tie should be in white and for a step up you can go with white gloves. These type of weddings are only held or attended by rich people or movie stars. These luxury type events are very rare and not that common in the United States.
Black tie attire is the most famous attire for men and for boys when it comes to weddings. While it can be a notch lower than the white tie, this attire is also highly formal and most common. They are usually meant for evening weddings that are held after 5 p.m. You will have to go with a black tuxedo and black shoes. The difference is that you will have to wear a black tie. You can include details like a pocket square and cufflinks so that they showcase your personality or individuality. If the wedding is in summer then some may require of you to wear white dinner jackets. If the dress code on the invitation mentions that black tie optional or formal then it means that you can go with either black tuxedo or a dark suit with a tie. Boys suits and tuxedos are available in different sizes thus making it easy for you.
The cocktail attire is slightly casual than a black tie but more formal than a business suit. If the wedding that you are attending mentions this attire then go with a dark suit with a tie. Navy or charcoal would be a fool proof choice. You can also wear suits as separates as long as it looks appropriate and chic. If the ceremony is intimate then you can also go with dark blazers paired with jeans but if you aren’t sure then it is best to stick with dress pants. You can add patterns into the accessories like tie or pocket squares to look chic. Other accessories like bracelets and necklaces are a good option but make sure that the metals in you outfit all match. That is the cufflinks, buttons, bracelets and necklaces all should be in the same color metal either gold or silver but never mixed since it looks shabby.
Kids Wedding Suits
Now the wedding invitation says that casual attire is allowed for the wedding then it means that you got off easy. This casual attire means that you can wear a blazer or a suit thus not needing to buy anything new and make do with your existing wardrobe collection. You can simply go with a suit paired with a dress shirt or you can also go donning a blazer or a sports coat. This type of attire is the best when it comes to dressing your child. Boys suits are available in different styles and colors and also versatile. Boys suits are better since you can wear them to other events too while boys attending events that require wearing a tuxedo is fairly less. Casual attire is one in which you can incorporate more colors in your outfits and also patterns. Floral patterns in ties are a good option and also you can pair the shirts with colors that match with the tie.
Next comes the most easiest form of attire. No dress code. You still have to be careful while attending these events and make use of the common sense. Here you will have to consider the time of the wedding and the venue in which it happens. If it is a evening wedding go with darker colors but if in mornings then it is better to go with lighter colors like white, cream or beige. If the wedding happens in centre of the city go with formal outfits but if it is a outdoor one or in casual style then go with a slightly casual style. It is always best to involve a blazer and a neckwear. If going with jeans then make sure to stick with dark denims.
Now we have covered all the attires and dress codes that may be involved in weddings. Now next consideration is that the wedding that you attend doesn’t have a dress code and you will have to dress on your own. When it comes to dressing up then the first thing you will have to consider is the season in which the wedding happens.
If the wedding is scheduled to happen in summer then it means clean skies, warm temperatures, cloudless ones which consequently means great photos. If you aren’t dressed properly then it doesn’t mean you only suffer for the day but also for years to come thanks to the photos. Stick with lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen especially if you live in places where summers are very hot. As for the colors it is best to go with light colored suits like cream, beige or tan. You can also add little color to your outfit by means of bow tie, pocket square or a necktie. These colors do not pop out much and looks great under the natural light without standing out too much. If the temperature involved is too much go with sleeve garters.
Autumn wedding may require a bit of planning since the temperature may vary from place to place. It may be best to incorporate the seasonal colors and textures into your look. Neutrals like brown and accents in colors of autumn red and yellow are good choices to complement the weather.
When it comes to winter weddings it may be hard to find one that is super casual and most of them are formal. The cold weather makes it almost impossible to have an outdoor wedding thus making them to be held in formal venues. Now there is no heat to interfere with and thus easier to dress in sharp and polished suits. It is best to go with dark colors like navy, dark grey and brown for a winter wedding and then keep the accessories formal so that it is in accordance with the formality of the event involved.
As for the time of the day when the wedding is held it also influences the color of the suit or the tuxedo. For weddings held in afternoon or evening go with black tuxedos and for lighter colors in day time weddings. If there is no dress code to follow then it is best to stick with charcoal grey or